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Hawkwood CFT September 2020

I really enjoyed a residency at Hawkwood CFT, a beautiful centre for courses just outside Stroud, in September 2020

Fully residential residencies for artists of all disciplines are funded by the Francis W Rickett Arts Trust

Outside my studio at Hawkwood
my studio at Hawkwood
Inside my studio at Hawkwood

My aim was work extensively on plein air painting and drawing studies in the beautiful woodland that sits behind the house. I often walk in these ancient woods (mainly beech, ash and yew) but rarely make the effort to paint there so 5 days of intensive study was exactly what I needed. 

I was fortunate with the weather and achieved a lot of work - it was so nice having all my meals cooked for me, and to be given a private en-suite room and a studio space so I could really concentrate on my work with no distractions.

I started off with a day of inktense drawings:

Then spent the remaining 4 days exploring colour studies and finished paintings in oils, working on refining colour palette, and finding best techniques to describe accurately what I was seeing, before moving into more experiments

The other 7 artists  on residencies were all from a performance, writing and acting background and came from London, Manchester and Nottingham so we had some lively meal time conversations.

I learnt such a lot in my time there and feel incredibly grateful for the opportunity.

Find out more about Hawkwood artist residencies here 

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